Tax Advice for the Freelancers, Self-employed and Entrepreneurs in Switzerland


Are you self-employed as a sole trader, small business owner, artist or consultant and need a tax advisor to provide you with full or selective support?

I offer solutions for complex requirements for all types of taxes, levies and social insurances. You choose the scope of my support and decide which work you want to do yourself and which you want to contract out.

Freelancers / Self-employed / Entrepreneurs


I will be glad to assist you with all tax and social security issues related to your business and how you can keep the administrative burden small and as uncomplicated as possible.

  • Consultations and advice in English or German.

  • Review of your cashflow and accounting statements.

  • Swiss tax advice on the separation of business and private expenses such as company cars or insurance policies.

  • Consultancy on Swiss social security laws regarding the declaration of contributions for both, owners and employees.

  • Preparation of VAT, income and wealth tax returns and declarations to your compensation fund.

  • Representation towards the authorities in Switzerland.

  • Reviewing decisions, answering requests from the Swiss authorities and providing transparent explanations for you.

Contact me